Matili Technical Training Institute invites tenders from interested and eligible bidders who meet requirements for the following items:
Tender documents can be obtained from the Procurement Section during normal working days from 8.00am and 5.00 pm upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000 (one thousand Kenya shillings only) or can be downloaded from the college website free of charge, Payment should be made to KCB Bank. Account Number 1107228476, Kimilili Branch, No cash payment shall be accepted.
Bidders are requested to register their bids with the procurement section at the Institute,
Dully filled tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with relevant reference number (accompanied with a copy of institutes official receipt for the amount paid) should be deposited in the Institutes tender box at the reception on or before 23/5/2022 at 10.00am and addressed to:
The Principal, Secretary BOG
Matili Technical Training Institute,
P.O BOX 76-50204,
Bids Will be opened immediately after closing (30min) in the presence of suppliers or their representatives who choose to attend.
Youth, women and persons with disability (PWD) are encouraged to apply,
The institute reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in whole or part and is NOT bound to give reasons for its decision.
A) SPECIAL GROUPS include the youth, women and persons with disability (PWD) who have been July
registered with the National treasury (Directorate of public procurement) and they Must show proof of registration.
B) OPEN: Open to all bidders.
C) Interested bidder must attach documentary evidence of the following:
I. Provide certificate of registration
II. Provide PIN,VAT registration certificate ,
III.Provide valid tax compliance certificate
IV. Duly filled form of tender
V. Duly filled confidential business questionnaire
Download Documents Here
1. Tender Documenet For Proposed Construction of Perimeter Wall at Matili TTI Compound A- FINAL
3. Tender Documenet For Proposed Construction of Perimeter Wall at Matili TTI Compound A