MaTTI’s Future

The Institute is targeting a future where all courses taught will incorporate aspects of ICT as practically applied to solving everyday issues of communities. Its graduates will also use the Institute as a ladder to pursue further education and develop their professional/work skills.

With an enlarged profile, moving from a Youth Polytechnic to a Technical Training Institute, the Institute has not had a substantial change in terms of human resources and facilities.  Therefore there is need to review and rationalize the use of the available resources with a view to making it a world class Technical Training Institution.


To be an a renowned centre of excellence in Technical Training and Research in Science, Technology and innovation.


The institute exists to train and produce highly qualified personnel with knowledge, skills and competencies to meet societal and industrial.


Core values

In its quest to meet the expectations of the trainees, employers, stakeholders and the public, the Institute will be guided by and committed to the following values which will enable the production of not just qualified graduates, but, disciplined individuals of high moral standards able to work in multi-cultural environments and accepted internationally for their competence and integrity.  The values will be inculcated into our staff and students through deliberate training programmes, peer counseling, information bulletins and other means.

  • Good governance it will be exhibited by clear-cut all inclusiveness in decision making, exemplified by clear reporting mechanisms, consultation and effective and continuous communication at all management, administrative and training levels.
  • Participation in community activities by partnering with the community with a view to solving its problems through research activities and dissemination of information targeting strategic interventions and long-term solutions.
  • Accountability, Responsibility and Fairness as will be shown by openness and transparency in all operations, performance and activities of the institute.
  • Integrity and Ethics – all members of the institution are expected to deal honestly with sincerity, trustworthiness and respectability.
  • Prudence in financial management, professionalism and discipline in all dealings.
  • Cooperation with others and teamwork through deliberate development of linkages with sister Institutions of higher learning, universities, medical training facilities, industry e.t.c
  • Moral uprightness and respect for the rule of law in all dealings with stakeholders and publics. This will be expected as pertains to speech, dressing and mannerism.
  • Tolerance, Equality and Respect for cultural diversity as will involve self respect and respect for others irrespective of gender, belief system, tribe, race and creed. All will be offered equal opportunity and access as far as is practicable
  • Punctuality, Timeliness and Efficiency in delivery services.